The man behind the camera

A young Photographer his work, In september 2007 I started following photography at De!KUNSThumaniora in Antwerp.I stayed there for three years and in 2010 I finally graduated from highschool. Since then i've been searching for what pleases me the most in photography. It has been an amazing journey cause there are many different ways and styles in photography. What pleases me most at this particular time is landscape photography. Mainly because it allows me to do as I please and I can work on my own rhythm without being disturbed. What is most important for me that my pictures have a personal touch and that they are filled with emotion.
There are always two people in every picture: the photographer and the viewer. ~Ansel Adams

zondag 3 juli 2011


In the beginning of June I went to Iceland for two weeks. I went all around the Island visiting some amazing places. I hope to go back in the future and go more in lands.

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A journey throug The Camargue in France

In the summer of 2010 I went to The Camargue for a week. It has a lot of open spaces whit very few high vegetation. One day I went to the beachside, the beaches are never ending. I'm intrigged by the open spaces and the lonelyness.

What a view

What a view

The End

Here end's my journey through The Camargue

A cloud cought my eye

A cloud cought my eye

A day by the beach

Trying to be part of the wave. Trying to capture the wave before falling down.

A small part of the ocean

A small part of the ocean
